
KTI is a private institute and it has two years of studying, and the graduates will get diploma degrees in technical fields. KTI is always trying to have the best quality of teaching, by cooperating with other institutes and universities, in order to make Kurdistan have a bright future.


The vision of Kurdistan Technical Institute is to provide skilled and competent technical staff and an effective coordinator, and to become a leading and the most preferred institute by students and academic staff. It trains professional learners in various fields such as Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical Laboratory, Decoration Engineering, Computer science, Information Technology (IT), Business Administration, Digital Media, Petroleum Engineering, and Accounting.

KTI Message

Kurdistan Technical Institute (KTI) was first established in (19/10/2015), according to ministerial decree NO. 21923, and is working under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)